Friday, February 24, 2012

Cannot INSERT INTO SQL database.

I'm not sure what the problem is. I am not getting any errors, but I can't get this code to insert into my SQL db. I've checked the permissions on the database and table, and it looks fine.

Is there something wrong with this code? I'm trying to switch from VB to C#, so it's still new to me. I've used the connection string in another APP so I know it works.

If I'm not getting an error, does that point to a problem with the DB? Thanks.


void Button1_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)


SqlConnection Conn;
SqlCommand Command;

Conn =

Conn.ConnectionString =ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];
Command =newSqlCommand();

Command.CommandText =

"INSERT INTO [tbl_Test] ([test_name], [test_email]) VALUES (@.test_name, @.test_email)";

Command.CommandType =

Command.Connection = Conn;
Command.Parameters.Add("test_name", tbName.Text);
Command.Parameters.Add("test_email", tbEmail.Text);try




catch (Exception ex)


lError.Text = ex.Message;




pSubscribe.Visible =

lThanks.Visible =true;


Command.Parameters.Add("test_name", tbName.Text);
Command.Parameters.Add("test_email", tbEmail.Text);

should be

Command.Parameters.Add("@.test_name", tbName.Text);
Command.Parameters.Add("@.test_email", tbEmail.Text);

|||Thanks for the reply. I changed the parameters, but it still doesn't work. Any thing else I can try?|||I got it. In my SQL table, I didn't have the "identity = yes" checkbox selected for my primary key. Thanks for your help!

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