Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cannot install Database Diagrams on AdventureWorks Database

Error Message: Database diagram support objects cannot be installed because this database does not have a valid owner.

How do I create a valid owner for the database?

Jens K. Suessmeyer.

Thank you. The compatibility is set to 2005 (90) already. This might be it though:

"The "no valid owner" issue usually comes up when databases are owned by SQL-authentication logins and are upgraded, detached/attached to another server, or restored from backup to another server. The SID (a large number) doesn't match any existing login on the new server, so the owner name remains whatever it was on the old server, but it is marked invalid. Explicitly setting the owner to a valid principal on the server solves the problem."

How do I explicitly set the owner to a valid principal on the server?


TO THE TOP: The compatibility is set correctly. How do I explicitly set the owner to a valid principal on the server?

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