Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cannot install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86

I recently (yesterday) installed a fresh copy of Windows XP with Service Pack 2 applied.

I proceeded with Visual Studio 2005 Express Editions installation straight away.

But I cannot install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86.

I choose to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 component along with every component of visual studio but it simply would not install.

In the end, after the installation of each complete is complete, I simply get an error message saying that Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition x86 failed to install.

What is the problem?

First take a look at the following file: %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\log\summary.txt. This should point you to which component failed and the specific log file for the component. When you open the component log file search for "Value 3" (this is a Windows Installer code for the error section). Take a look at +/- 10 lines for the error.

If the summary.txt file doesn't provide any clues, take a look at: %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\log\files\*_core(local).txt - open the most recent one if there are multiple. Go to the end of the file and you should find some clues as to why the installation failed.


I looked. There were three errors and all of them said that installation cannot be done to a compressed drive


Error : SQL Server Setup cannot install files to the compressed or encrypted folder: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\. To continue, make sure that your installation directories are not compressed or encrypted, or specify a different directory, and then run SQL Server Setup again.


I'll remove drive compression and try again.

Thanks for help!


I am having the same problem - cannot install SQL Server Express, I looked in the file you mentioned to the other fellow and it says:

D43QNW81 : SQL Server 2005 Setup has detected incompatible components from beta versions of Visual Studio, .NET Framework, or SQL Server 2005. Use Add or Remove Programs to remove these components, and then run SQL Server 2005 Setup again. For detailed instructions on uninstalling SQL Server 2005, see the SQL Server 2005 Readme.

but I HAVE removed all components except a thing called Enterprise Library June 2005, and thaat one will not un-install without dot net framework 1.1

is that it? do I have to go ALL the way back?

any help will be much appreciated, I installed the whole works in a Virutal machine and now I am trying to install it on my base machine (because the Virtual one is too slow)



You can take a look at the latest *_core(local).log file to see which old component it's detecting. The log files can be found here: %Program Files%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Setup Bootstrap\log\files

If you email me directly at I can send you a clean up script. The script isn't supported but we've had good luck with it.


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