Sunday, March 25, 2012

Cannot recover the master database.

In my computer when sql is starting occur the follow
message in log :
- Error: 9003, Severity: 20, State: 1.
- Cannot recover the master database.
What I do? Why this happened?
Daniela"Daniela" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> In my computer when sql is starting occur the follow
> message in log :
> - Error: 9003, Severity: 20, State: 1.
> - Cannot recover the master database.
> What I do? Why this happened?
To fix a corrupted master database run rebuildm.exe. This will destroy your
master, msdb and modle databases and replace them with blank ones. Then
restore your master, msdb and model backups.
Erm... You do have a backup of your system databases, don't you?
If not, then after rebuildm.exe you'll have to execute sp_attach_db or
sp_attach_single_file_db to repopulate your sysdatabases table in Master.
Also you will have to recreate your SQLAgent jobs etc if you do not have a
MSDB backup
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.647 / Virus Database: 414 - Release Date: 29/03/2004|||i hope you been backing up your system database regularly. if you don't. you
are in trouble.
you can't restore a corrupt master.mdb thru GUI.
-- to exclusive use the master database (to restore)
/* start the server in exclusive mode
From a command prompt (the dos prompt, get to the c:\mssql7\binn directory
(adjust accordingly for sql2k), enter:
sqlservr.exe -c (standard)
sqlservr -m (exclusive)
restore master db from the last known good backup
stop server and re-start in normal mode
once the master is restored. you can use Enterprise Manger GUI to restore
the last known good copy of msdb.
Steve Lin
"Daniela" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> In my computer when sql is starting occur the follow
> message in log :
> - Error: 9003, Severity: 20, State: 1.
> - Cannot recover the master database.
> What I do? Why this happened?
> Thanks,
> Daniela

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