I'm gonna try this again, Microsoft, Please help!
There has to be a solution for this!!!! How can I get around the limitation in SSRS 2005 of being able to SUM on a Table's Group field from my group footer expression!
Keep in mind, I'm talking about a table here, not the global Report Footer, a Table object's footer!
It's driving me nuts
My table footer GrossGoal_gt 's field expression (non of these work and throw the error below):
=SUM(Fields!GrossGoal1.Value, "CustomerNumber_Grp")
neither does this:
neither does this:
=SUM(ReportItems!GrossGoal1.Value, "CustomerNumber_Grp") - this one then gives me yet a different error besides the scope error:
Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.
or this:
The field it's referencing's (textbox GrossGoal1) value is:
=((Fields!FeeGoal.Value) / Fields!FeeSchedule.Value) * 100
[rsFieldReference] The Value expression for the textbox ‘GrossGoal_gt’ refers to the field ‘GrossGoal1’. Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set scope or, if inside an aggregate, the specified data set scope.
[rsInvalidAggregateScope] The Value expression for the textbox ‘GrossGoal_gt’ has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.
I did that! I set it to my Group name of my table!!!! Am I doing this wrong?
I am having to produce a stupid work around which is create a new dataset, tie it to a stored proc which then does some crazy calculations which is a headache in SQL which sums up my column's total using SQL in the stored proc instead of Reporting Services being able to reference my stupid Group field in the footer in order to sum for a grand total in the footer for that group column.
Related threads I have posted:
Here's are other people with the same problem but no answers out there from my searches!
Why doesn't this work MS ?
Because you may have multiple groups defined, you can specify the scope an aggregate function is to use. Scopes are names that you can pass to aggregate functions to indicate how you want to calculate the aggregates. For example, for tables that have more than one group defined, you may want to refer to an outergroup from an innergroup header row. The Nothing scope tells a function to use the outermost scope. For a simple table data region with no grouping, there is only one scope.
To identify scopes that are valid for a report item grouping, select the item, open the Properties dialog box, click the Groups tab, and view the list of group labels that can be used to identify scopes.
Why am I putting this in big letters? Because I'm about to pull my hair out!!!!
Microsoft states this below (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms157328.aspx) but it doesn't work for me when I try it (above) and I get those errors above when I try this for my table group:
Report Functions
Reporting Services provides additional report functions that you can use to manipulate data within a report. This section provides examples for two of these functions. For more information about report functions and examples, see Using Report Functions in Expressions (Reporting Services).
The Sum function can total the values in a grouping or data region. This function can be useful in the header or footer of a table group. The following expression displays the sum of data in the Order grouping or data region:
Copy Code
=Sum(Fields!LineTotal.Value, "Order")Based on your previous posts, the problem seems to be that each detail row of the table has an amount (not sure which data set field: maybe Fields!FeeGoal.Value?) and a percent (maybe Fields!FeeSchedule.Value?). Then there is a derived amount expression: "=(Fields!FeeGoal.Value / Fields!FeeSchedule.Value) * 100" in a text box (GrossGoal1). What if, instead, you add a Calculated Field like GrossGoal to your data set, defined by the same expression:"=(Fields!FeeGoal.Value / Fields!FeeSchedule.Value) * 100"? In that case, the detailed row amount can simply be: "=Fields!GrossGoal.Value", and both the group and footer expressions can be: "=Sum(Fields!GrossGoal.Value)".|||
Deepak, I've definitely tried that work around with little success if any. Most of the time, Visual Studio crashes when trying to SUM on a calculated Dataset field that is also very complex in itself!
Also Proj Fee (what I am referring to above for an example of what I'm currently stuck on)is not just a single value, it is a complicated calculation that includes many in it's expression. That's why this report is so crazy and why I really need to be able to bypass all these workarounds to be able to direcly reference fields from the footer and use aggregate functions on those fields.
As my report goes from right to left, the fields are not jus straight values, they have a ton of combined fields and calculatiosn within each field so each field really builds on the other...keep in mind this used to be a complex Excel Spreadsheet that they wanted me to automate!
the fact is, myself and others see this as a huge problem and limitatio that is keeping us from delivering highly complicated reporting via Reporting Services 2005. We do not want to create wacky ways around this....if that's the case, we might as well go back to Crystal at this point ! Yes, SSRS is great but this limitation is HUGE!
Here's Project Fee...yes, it's a nightmare and you'll see now why you can't just assume this work around or that when you get this complicated in your reports; We need to be able to SUM Group Header fields (not detail) in our Footer. I am not using the detail section of my Group, I don't need it.
ProjFee Expression is:
=(Round((((SUM(Fields!PostedAmount_InHouse.Value) + SUM(Fields!NewPDs_Check.Value) + SUM(Fields!NewCCs_Check.Value)) / Sum(Fields!CurrentPostingDay.Value, "Current_Posting_Day")) * (Sum(Fields!TotalPostingDays.Value, "TotalPostingDays") - Sum(Fields!CurrentPostingDay.Value, "Current_Posting_Day"))) + (SUM(Fields!PostedAmount_InHouse.Value) + SUM(Fields!OldPDs_Check.Value) + SUM(Fields!NewPDs_Check.Value) + SUM(Fields!OldCCs_Check.Value) + SUM(Fields!NewCCs_Check.Value)))) * (Fields!FeeSchedule.Value / 100)
You try putting this stripped down as a new calculated field in your dataset and then try doing a SUM on this in the footer of your table and watch Visual Studio Crash!!! It's loads of fun
Here is my report file....open it, take a look at the last report at the bottom. The ProjFee in Footer..I want this to sum up my ProjFee Group Column:
I've also tried these combinations using straight formulas (changing the SUM around in the past has worked so far up until now) with no luck...all the totals come out wrong:
What I'm trying to achieve like eveyrone else is to have success putting something like these into my ProjFee Footer textbox expression:
=SUM(Fields!GrossGoal1.Value, "CustomerNumber_Grp")
Error:The Value expression for the textbox has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.
Error:The Value expression for the textbox has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.
=SUM(ReportItems!GrossGoal1.Value, "CustomerNumber_Grp") - this one then gives me yet a different error besides the scope error:
Error: Aggregate functions can be used only on report items contained in page headers and footers.
Error:The Value expression for the textbox has a scope parameter that is not valid for an aggregate function. The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set.
|||If anyone needs test data to test my report, I'd be happy to provide it so I can figure out this problem, just let me know. It will be non-confidential test data that will work.|||You may want to try using a custom function and a global variable to store a running total (sort of a SUMIF(value, groupvalue)) that you would create in the code window.
See http://www.yukonxml.com/chapters/apress/reportingservices/dotnet/
Actually all of your complex calculations might be simplified by encapsulating in vb functions.
Here's more from Teo's book.
|||Yes, but Andrew, I need the SUM in my footer to be summing up the group totals in my group field column...an outside function isn't gonna help me here because Commission % has to be used in the group calculation, I can't use Commission % in my GT because it's not possible to sum a bunch of % then do a calcuation like this.
Also, I was told that the group footer takes in the whole dataaset? not just the group totals.
Anyway, I think this is crazy first of all that I haven't had an MS staff reply to this problem, and second the documentation says we should be able to reference a groupname as the scope in a field expression from a table footer yet their errors tell a different story. Furthermore, there are at least from my searches, no examples of referencing a groupname or other names other than a dataset in BOL for doing what I want but the error says you should be able to. Where's the documentation on this scope? I only saw a brief comment and the most simplest example in BOL which isn't really helping anyone.
Can someone from MS please comment who is in the SSRS 2005 team!! A lot of use are wondering what the deal is here and have for quite some time.
|||Microsoft states this below (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms157328.aspx) but it doesn't work for me when I try it (above) and I get those errors above when I try this for my table group:
Report Functions
Reporting Services provides additional report functions that you can use to manipulate data within a report. This section provides examples for two of these functions. For more information about report functions and examples, see Using Report Functions in Expressions (Reporting Services).
The Sum function can total the values in a grouping or data region. This function can be useful in the header or footer of a table group. The following expression displays the sum of data in the Order grouping or data region:
Copy Code
=Sum(Fields!LineTotal.Value, "Order")|||
You should check that whether your sql or view have the column named "GrossGoal1".
Sorry for being rude but I just said 1000 times, it's not a field from my dataset! It's a named textbox in my Report table's group. If you right-click a field in your group in your report, you have to name it something...i.e. textbox50 to something lik GROSSGOL
I want to do a SUM on that column textbox that resides in my table's group...not the Dataset!
Everyone keeps thinking I'm talking about a Dataset field, no, it's a Table Group Field!!
Create a table in SSRS 2005 OK. Then, create a group in that table. Ok, then add some fields to that group Header in your table. Rename one of them to GrossGoal by going to the properties of one of your table's textboxes (which contain expressions like referencing dataset fields!). Ok, then in your Table footer, try to do a SUM(name of the textbox in your group that you just renamed)
that's what I'm trying to do! Please Download and Look at my freakin .rdl that I provided, don't just guess what I'm trying to do here, I've provided probably 10x the required information! If you look at my .rdl, right click on the fields and see their properties, then look at the expression for the footer field! It's trying to reference the field above it which is a group field!
and one more time, because of the fact that I'm dealing with a commission %, simply pasting the same expression from my group to my footer will not work!! trust me...this is a very complex calculation that willl not come out right going that route like all the books tell you to do!
|||Looks like there is a confusion on the scope argument in aggregate functions. What the scope argument tells RS is to summarize all detail data in the specified scope, not summarizing all the aggregated values on these scopes.
For example, if you have a table (with table footer) and a table group. (looks like the site that host your report is currently down, so I can't look at your particular case). The hiearchy of the report looks like:
Table (table header/footer rows)
TableGroup (tablegroup header/footer rows)
In the TableGroup (group header/footer), you can define an aggregate with scope 1) none (the default is the current scope - TableGroup) or 2) TableGroup or 3) Table or 4) Nothing (the outermost scope, meaning the entire dataset, essentially the same as the table scope, in this case). If you are in the table footer, you can define an aggregate with scope 1) none (equivalent to table) or 2) Table or 3) Nothing. As you can see here, you can reach out to outer/containing scopes from the current location, but not the opposite way. This error message "The scope parameter must be set to a string constant that is equal to either the name of a containing group, the name of a containing data region, or the name of a data set." basically means this.
From what you described in the posts, looks like you are trying to sum a set of calculated values (involve aggregates) from the group footers in your table footer. "Aggregate of aggregates" is a feature we don't currently support. It's a high priority item on our wishlist for a future release.
For now, there is a workaround for this that involves using custom code (similar to what Andrew has suggested) and can be quite tricky to get it to work. The idea is that you would pass a detail field value to as an argument to the custom function, do the calculation in the function, add it to a variable you define in the custom code, and at the end (in the table group), return the variable value which is the grand total you are looking for. Without looking at your particular scenario, I'm not entirely sure if this approach would work for you. But hopefully it can give you some pointer to start with if you want to try it.
Below is an old sample I provided to one of our customers to workaound a similar problem. Hope it's of some help to you.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2003/10/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner">
<Textbox Name="textbox1">
<FontFamily>Times New Roman</FontFamily>
<Table Name="table1">
<Textbox Name="textbox2">
<Value>Order ID</Value>
<Textbox Name="textbox4">
<Textbox Name="textbox3">
<Value>=Sum(Code.MyFunc(Fields!OrderID.Value, Fields!Freight.Value))</Value>
<Textbox Name="Freight">
<Textbox Name="OrderID">
<Textbox Name="textbox5">
<Grouping Name="table1_OrderID">
<Textbox Name="textbox6">
<Value />
<Textbox Name="textbox7">
<Value>=Code.MyFunc(Nothing, Fields!Freight.Value)</Value>
<Style />
<DataSource Name="Northwind">
<ConnectString>data source=.;initial catalog=Northwind</ConnectString>
<Code> Dim orderIDs As System.Collections.Hashtable
Dim total As Double
Function MyFunc(ByVal orderID As Object, ByVal freight As Object) As Double
If (orderIDs Is Nothing) Then
orderIDs = New System.Collections.Hashtable
End If
If (orderID Is Nothing) Then
MyFunc = total
If (Not orderIDs.Contains(orderID)) Then
total = total + freight
orderIDs.Add(orderID, freight)
End If
MyFunc = total
End If
End Function
<DataSet Name="Northwind">
<Field Name="OrderID">
<Field Name="Freight">
<Field Name="Expr1">
<Field Name="UnitPrice">
<CommandText>SELECT Orders.OrderID, Orders.Freight, [Order Details].OrderID AS Expr1, [Order Details].UnitPrice
[Order Details] ON Orders.OrderID = [Order Details].OrderID
WHERE (Orders.OrderID IN (10248, 10250))</CommandText>
<Description />
Fang Wang, this is a huge limitation, any idea when this will be supported? If it was, I would have been able to save literally a month worth of wasted time.
Basically I ended up having to do this sum in SQL which was painful because it included about 7 complicated SUMS before it which were wrapped up into this final Column SUm and I do not wish to have to code SQL like that again. On the other hand custom code as you stated is not easy and definitely something I would not wish on anyone just to sum up a Column in this situation.
thanks for th workaround and the FYI on the non-supported note though! Much appreciated. Lets hope for all of us (many who have posted this problem in other forums) that MS comes up wtih a SP which will fix this and provide this very powerful option in the future.
|||and another complaint, it is endless, this time with a matrix!
|||First of all enough with the caps / bold and large text. We understand your problem, and quite frankly the world is not going to end.
Secondly, the solution (workaround) was provided and DOES work.
Please do some reading on how to use and control flow using custom code in rs.
Not sure if you have gone through the entire solution above, however this is another possible solution if that didn't work (from my blog at http://sqlrs.blogspot.com)
One common problem in reporting and BI solutions is how to incorporate data from both an OLAP cube and relational tables. The UDM in SQL 2005 attempts to solve this, however it really means you still need to build the information into your cubes and dimension attributes.
What if you don't want to or can't?
Reporting Services provides a Custom Code tab within the Report Properties page. You can access various VB.NET objects and system assemblies, and reference external assemblies. One of the internal assemblies is the Dictionary object.
Steps to lookup values from a reference table in SQL:
Drag a list onto the report.
Drag a textbox into the list, or a field from the relational dataset. Modify the textbox to contain =Code.setValue(Fields!KeyField.Value, Fields!ValueField.Value)
Create another list below. Drag another textbox into the list. Modify the textbox expression to hard-code the key for now. =Code.getValue("MyKey")
In the Code Properties window, try the following:
public dict as new System.Collections.Generics.Dictionary(Of System, System)
function setValue(value as object, value2 as object) as object
return value
end function
function getValue(value as object) as object
return dict(value)
end function
Afterwards, you can hide the list box (or table or whatever) that loads the variable with the setValue function. The dictionary still gets populated.
If you have properly bound a table to the first list control, you should be able to lookup results in the second table.
This can be applied in many scenarios, including adding relational reference data to MDX results, and creating a relationship between two separate datasets.
I'd be interested to know if anyone uses this. It seems to have many different applications. One could possibly involve showing two sets of information, for things like variances or budget vs. actual data. If a value doesn't exist in the dictionary, the original field could be returned. If it does exist, the adjustment could be returned.
Note that Generics is .NET 2.0 - for 2000 you may need to use a different syntax but the concept is the same. Basically you're using a dictionary object (could be a hash table or whatever) to store a value by a key. Then you're looking up that value in a table (or list or whatever) to do further calculations.
Oh, and Flavaflav, I really hope you don't wear a clock around your neck & have gold teeth.
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