Thursday, March 29, 2012

cannot rename instance of analysis server.missing reg key

when i use the rename instance tool i get this error saying it cannot find the regestry key

hkey_local_Machine\wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Sql Server\90

When i look for this key, it doesnt exist. My installation went perfectly. what is going wrong

There are 2 versions of ASInstanceRename utility. Make sure you use one that is installed with 64bit version of Analysis Server.

Edward Melomed.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

|||but i am using the 32 bit version of sql server 2005, and its on a 32 bit pc. theres no way i can install the 64 bit version as my machine wont even run the setup file|||

You should use 64 bit version of asinstancerename utility on 64 bit machine to rename 32bit instances. It is intended to be able to handle 32bit instances.

To get 64bit version of asinstancerename, uninstall 32bit version SQL Tools from your machine and install them back using 64ibt CD.

That should get you going.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

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