Thursday, March 22, 2012

Cannot operate on a set with more than 4,294,967,296 tuples.

Below is an error that I run into often. Can someone tell me what is causing this and how to resolve it?

Executing the query ...

The expression contains a function that cannot operate on a set with more than 4,294,967,296 tuples.

Execution complete

Here is the MDX that caused the error:


Member [Measures].[Total Count] as

'[Measures].[Crash Count]'

Member [Measures].[Total Fatal] as

'[Measures].[Fatal Crashes]'

Member [Measures].[Total Injury] as

'[Measures].[Injury Crashes]'

Member [Measures].[Total A Injury] as

'[Measures].[A Injury Crashes]'

Member [Measures].[Total B Injury] as

'[Measures].[B Injury Crashes]'

Member [Measures].[Total C Injury] as

'[Measures].[C Injury Crashes]'

Member [Measures].[Total 0 Property Damage] as

'[Measures].[0 Property Damage Crashes]'


NON EMPTY { [Measures].[Total Count],

[Measures].[Total Fatal],

[Measures].[Total Injury],

[Measures].[Total A Injury],

[Measures].[Total B Injury],

[Measures].[Total C Injury],

[Measures].[Total 0 Property Damage],

[Measures].[Vehicle Count],

[Measures].[Person Count],


[Measures].[0 Injuries],

[Measures].[A Injuries],

[Measures].[B Injuries],

[Measures].[C Injuries],

[Measures].[Injuries] }


NON EMPTY {[Crash].[Case Nbr].[Case Nbr] *

[Date].[Calendar Date].[Date] *

[Crash].[Weather].[Weather] *

[Crash].[Road Defects].[Road Defects] *

[Crash].[Collision Type].[Collision Type] *

[Crash].[Light].[Light] }


(select strtoset('{[Crash].[County].&[Morgan] }')

on columns From

(SELECT STRTOMEMBER('[Crash].[TS Crash Mile Station].[5.28]') :

STRTOMEMBER('[Crash].[TS Crash Mile Station].[5.77]')

on columns From

(select {descendants([Crash].[Case Nbr].Currentmember)}

on Columns from

[SDM_Reports] ))) where ([Reportability].[Is Reportable].&[

Quick Update on this issue,

If I remove the [Crash].[Case Nbr].[Case Nbr] from Rows, then the error goes away.


I am having the same problem..Can somebody help....

I want to know what causes this problem..


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