Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cannot Install SQL Server 2005 after running Uninstall

After going through "Add and Remove Programs" and removing all components of SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition on my desktop I get an error telling me there is a copy already installed and to remove it before continuing. Well nothing shows up under "Add and Remove Programs"; Windows cleanup shows none of the SQL Server components; a check of the register (HOTKEYS.../unistall) have no SQL Server entries; under services all SQL Server services are disabled and not running.

I have followed all the steps in (Describes how to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually).

Anyone out there got a solution? (Visual Studio 2005 eval is loaded on the box)


You this utility to uninstall clearly. Microsoft cleanup Utility. Download this, install and clean up SQL.|||

I had already ran this prgram plus many others. I am now able to install after I removed the Microsoft Sql Server directory under "Programs".


Or you can try to manually uninstall SQL Server 2005 later. Detail steps please refer to "How to uninstall an instance of SQL Server 2005 manually".

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